Kajava mama’s blog

Three Specialty Coffees you can make on Christmas morning

Mornings during the holidays are a lovely time. Sleep late, have a great breakfast and enjoy your time together. Of course, you won’t forget the coffee! You don’t have to go out to get it, you can just make it at home. Here are three specialty coffees that you can make on Christmas morning with your ceramic pour over dripper.

What is a specialty coffee?

Well, as if coffee wasn’t great enough by itself, a flavored coffee is even better, especially on a stay-at-home morning! But you don’t need a coffee shop for your sweet and delicious frothy coffee concoction. Whipped creams, syrups, vanilla and spices are all things that bring the coffee shop home. They make an irresistible aroma and a taste to look forward to, but no amount of flavoring can help if you don’t first start with the coffee.

ceramic pour over dripper

The aroma comes from fresh, top quality coffee beans, ground and swirling in the boiling water dripping through the filter in the ceramic pour over dripper. Just one whiff of this and everybody in the house will be up and in the kitchen in no time.

For a little touch of the holiday spirit, here are three drinks you can make with the ceramic pour over dripper. (Did you get one for Christmas?)

Gingerbread latte

Ginger is a beautiful flavor that’s good for you all year round and takes on something a little extra special when it’s cold outside. Pair it with vanilla, some brown sugar, and cream and it’s perfect. What can be more Christmassy than gingerbread? Start with the best coffee beans you can find, grind them and let the water drip through the coffee into the ceramic pour over dripper. Add some gingerbread syrup, some frothed milk, and put a bit of nutmeg on the top.

Any flavored latte

It doesn’t have to be gingerbread syrup! Pumpkin spice syrup or vanilla syrup, or chocolate mint all make great tasting coffees with a Christmas feel. On the other hand, it doesn’t have to be syrup. You might want to add something a little stronger!

Mocha Shake

Hot or cold, a ceramic pour over dripper gives everybody a great drink. Mocha is a coffee flavored chocolate that makes a wonderful milkshake. Start with the coffee from the night before and blend it up the next day with milk, ice-cream, chocolate, and vanilla. You don’t have to be a coffee drinker to appreciate this one.

It starts with your pour over dripper

The ceramic pour over dripper is what makes these drinks so easy and so delicious. The coffee is made with the best beans and the best water, and any of the best flavors that you love to add. Include whipped cream or frothy milk and you will be glad to stay home. These ceramic pour over drippers make a great gift for any coffee lover. They are well made, sturdy and really do enhance the coffee experience. Why not make a gift basket and include some recipes and syrups? Click here for more information.