Kajava mama’s blog

Coffee’s Nutrition Profile

Brewing pour over coffee in the morning (or really, any time you prefer) can help start your day in more ways than just a simple caffeine jolt. Your favorite cup of joe has several nutritious attributes that you may not be aware of. Here are some things that make up coffee’s nutrition profile.

Coffee is Not a Significant Source Of…

Since coffee beans are not factory processed (outside of roasting), being a java fan means avoiding many of the additives infused to help preserve processed foods. Coffee contains little to no sodium, or fats of any kind, trans or otherwise. People who practice Keto and Atkins may be pleased to learn that coffee contains no significant carbohydrates and is gluten-free.

Brewing pour over coffee

Of course, coffee is absent of many beneficial common nutrients as well. For instance, in brewing pour over coffee, you won’t get any significant yield of proteins, and its vitamin content is very limited.


Micronutrients refer to vitamins and minerals. One hundred mL of brewed pour over coffee contains the following quantities of micronutrients: 92 mg potassium; 8 mg magnesium; 0.05 mg manganese; 0.01 mg riboflavin; and 0.7 mg niacin.


One common complaint about brewing pour over coffee is its notorious reputation as a diuretic. It’s commonplace to believe that drinking coffee will facilitate fluid expulsion from your body, making you have to consume higher amounts of water to compensate, and making you have to go to the washroom more often.

While it is true that brewing pour over coffee has some nominal diuretic effects, in reality, any diuresis caused by coffee is still outweighed by the fluid intake benefits. Study after study has concluded that coffee does not cause any significant dehydration effects, and can be used as an adequate thirst quencher.

The Benefits of Caffeine

For all its flaws, caffeine has a surprising number of health benefits that become eclipsed by its reputation as an age-enhancing drug. There’s no doubt that caffeine can help with alertness and raising physical energy levels, and because caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, mental acuity levels will follow suit.

However, there are several lesser known long-term benefits to brewing pour over coffee as well. Studies have shown that those who consume caffeine are at less risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and regular (but not excessive) caffeine consumption greatly reduces the chances of developing Parkinson’s disease, a serious cognitive and nervous disorder.

Brewing Pour Over Coffee

Knowing the benefits of brewing pour over coffee in the morning gives you ample reason to drink coffee (as if you needed more reasons!). And now, thanks to Kajava Mama, there is a fast, efficient, and always successful way to brew your mug of wake-up joe. Click here to learn more about brewing pour over coffee.

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