Kajava mama’s blog

Dessert and Coffee Pairing

Who doesn’t love finishing off an evening with a sweet treat? Nothing complements a delicious meal better than an even more tasty dessert – and what is a dessert without a good cup of coffee made fresh from a pour over coffee dripper? Of course, not every coffee lends itself well to every dessert. Pairing your favorite sweet treats with the perfect coffee blend is not always easy, but with these basics you can get to work on finding your favorite pairing.

Keep it Light

For your favorite dainty desserts, going with a light blend from a pour over coffee dripper is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Cookies and fruit-based desserts, like pies, blend perfectly with light-roasted beans. Tart flavors make a good match for light roasted coffee and this pairing will showcase the sweetness of your dessert while simultaneously perking up your cup of coffee. Pies and fruity sweets bring out the smooth ribbons of delicate flavors at the heart of your favorite light roast; this is one pairing you don’t want to skip out on.

Finding Middle Ground

Want to go a little deeper? Medium roast captures the earthy flavors within coffee beans and is a go-to choice for those looking to go a step further than light roast blends. For this bean, creamy desserts make for a delicious pairing. Tiramisu and cheesecake are always crowd pleasers and paired with a steamy cup of medium roast coffee fresh from a pour over coffee dripper, these classic desserts are the perfect way to end an evening. 

Heavy Hitters

For chocolate lovers, not much beats a deep, rich chocolate mousse after dinner. It may seem like chocolate can’t get any better but when paired with a dark roast coffee, your favorite dessert will become the ultimate indulgence. Dark roast coffee beans boasting strong and robust flavors are an ideal companion for heavier desserts. Blends that lean to the bitter side can tone down those extra sweet treats and together, the pair work in harmony to create the ultimate dessert fantasy. Serving a dark blend straight from your pour over coffee dripper alongside your tried and true chocolate cake recipe or a decadent mousse is sure to be a delight for your taste buds.

Mix it Up

It may be tempting to pair your favorite flavored coffee with a dessert boasting the same or similar flavors, but featuring contrasting flavors makes for a much tastier experience. There really is too much of a good thing! When brewing a fresh cup of coffee with your pour over coffee dripper, go for contrasting flavors rather than similar ones to get the ultimate dessert pairing.

The Perfect Pair

While there are basic guidelines you can follow, finding the perfect dessert and coffee pairing largely comes down to your own taste buds. Everyone has their own preferences and while some of us have a hankering sweet tooth, others may prefer to keep things light. Finding the perfect pair can take some time and plenty of trial and error. Be brave, be bold, and put your pour over coffee dripper to work. Click here to learn more.