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Different Roasts for Different Folks

Making the perfect cup of coffee exactly how you like it is a wonderful thing. It doesn’t happen by chance, though. Brewing a great cup of coffee takes balancing many different factors. The roast of the beans you use when brewing a perfect cup with the best pour over coffee maker will make a significant difference in the taste of your coffee.

best pour over coffee maker

Many signature coffee brands buy their coffee beans at the green stage (unroasted) and roast the beans themselves. This way, each batch can be roasted to the exact color that their customers prefer. Roasting coffee beans can be considered an art form. Coaxing out the subtle notes desired from each batch of beans takes experience and talent. When you use your best pour over coffee maker to make your next cup of coffee, take a moment to think about the attention it took to get those beans to that exact roast.

Coffee is generally roasted to three different colors.

1) Light Roast

Light roast coffee has been roasted for the least amount of time. Some of the moisture has evaporated, but the oils in the bean have not been drawn out. Light roast coffee is both lighter in color and lighter in flavor. If you prefer coffee that is thinner with more complex and fruity flavors, then light roast coffee beans are for you. Some people compare a delicately roasted bean to a fine tea rather than a robust cup of coffee. Using the best pour over coffee maker to brew a light roast is a perfect match because you are in control of the water temperature and speed of brewing and able to coax out the subtle flavors of this type of bean.

2) Medium Roast

Medium roasted beans are very popular in North America. This is the roast that is generally available at restaurants and fast-food establishments. Sitting somewhere between light and dark roast, medium roast retains some of the subtleties of light roast while still offering a more roasted flavor. The best pour over coffee maker is a great way to brew a quick cup of medium roast.

3) Dark Roast

Dark roast coffee beans are kept in the high temperatures of the roaster longer in order to alter the flavors. Just like cooking something on the stove until it has a delicious caramelization changes the flavor of food, roasting coffee beans to a dark roast adds a nutty, smokey element to the brew. Dark roast beans have an oily sheen because the roasting process brings the natural oils to the surface. A great dark roast brewed with the best pour over coffee maker will achieve a rich, nutty, almost chocolatey, cup of coffee.

The availability of many different roasts of coffee by many different roasters means that you can easily take your cup of coffee to the next level. Try different roasts in your best pour over coffee maker. You may find that you prefer a reliable medium roast when you wake up, a complex light roast in the afternoon and a robust dark roast after a fine dinner. Click here to learn more.