Kajava mama’s blog

Drink Your Way to Good Health: How Coffee is Beneficial for Your Health

Coffee. The aroma, the taste, the way it makes us feel – to coffee lovers, there is nothing better than a perfectly made cup of heaven. It turns out that those beautiful cups of coffee that we crave are actually beneficial for our health. It is not often that something as delicious as coffee is actually good for us. We didn’t really need another reason to buy a pour over online, but better health is a great one! So get your pour over coffee dripper and sip your way to better health!


Coffee doesn’t just make your life better, it makes it longer. According to a large National Institute of Health study that tracked 400,000 men and women over 10 years, drinking coffee (with or without caffeine) decreased their chance of death overall. When you buy a pour over online, you’re not just getting a great way to make coffee, but an easier way to maintain better health.

Buy a pour over online and drink your way to a longer life. Drinking coffee regularly reduces your chances of dying from serious conditions like diabetes, stroke, heart disease, respiratory illnesses and even infections and injuries.


Alzheimer’s is a big concern for a lot of Americans who see their aging relatives struggling with this debilitating disease. Studies show that drinking coffee also affects your likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia. Drinking 3-5 cups of coffee a day when you’re in your 40s and 50s can reduce the chances of developing these diseases in your 70s. A University of Florida study showed that regularly drinking coffee helps slow down cognitive decline. Buying a pour over online can help you make delicious coffee while protecting yourself from cognitive diseases.


Studies show that senior citizens who drink 4 or more 8-ounce cups of coffee a day are half as likely to die from mouth or upper throat cancers than those who don’t drink coffee. According to the American Cancer Foundation, a recent study showed that coffee helps to reduce certain types of cancers including colorectal, neck and head, breast and liver cancer. Buy a pour over online so you can get these positive health benefits while drinking the best-tasting coffee you can make.

Though coffee has many health benefits, each person has a different reaction to coffee. Make sure you’re monitoring your own body. We all know that too much great coffee can sometimes lead to increased heart rate, jitters, anxiety and negatively impact our sleep quality. It’s hard to resist that extra cup when you buy a pour over online and can make the best coffee every time.

Of course, you should always check with your doctor for questions regarding your health.

Researchers are still working on the reasons that coffee is beneficial for some diseases and disorders. There are many different, active components in roasted coffee that could be working together to create these health benefits. Caffeine, flavonoids, and polyphenols are all in roasted beans and are also all known to have health benefits. Buy a pour over online and release the delicious health benefits of the coffee bean. Click here to learn more about how to buy a pour over coffee pot online.