Kajava mama’s blog

Health Benefits of Coffee: Seven Reasons Why Your New Year’s Resolution Should Be to Drink More Coffee

New Year’s resolutions are usually based around things we know we should do, but we really don’t want to do them. Dieting, quitting bad habits, getting more exercise, getting more sleep, saving money – they all sound more responsible than fun. What if I told you that your next New Year’s resolution should be to drink coffee? That sounds great, but how is ordering a coffee dripper on Amazon going to enhance your life?

Coffee is actually good for your health, your productivity, and your overall sense of wellbeing. Here are seven reasons why you should order a coffee dripper on Amazon before the new year:

1) Lowered risk of developing diabetes

Some studies have shown that people who drink coffee could have a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Reducing the risk of developing diabetes is a great reason to buy a coffee dripper on Amazon.

coffee dripper on Amazon

2) Lowers chance of stroke

Did you know that the next coffee dripper on Amazon that you purchase might help lower your chances of having a stroke? Some studies show that those who drink coffee regularly may have up to a 20% lower risk of stroke than those who do not drink coffee.

3) Less likely to develop Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease

Not only does your coffee dripper on Amazon lower your chances of developing diabetes and having a stroke, it can also lower your chances of developing both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists suspect it is the caffeine in the coffee, so don’t switch to decaf to get these benefits.

4) Good for your liver

Put on the kettle and get your coffee drippers on Amazon – studies show that people who drink four or more cups of coffee a day are at a much lower risk of developing liver disease.

5) Increase energy levels and brain function

Everyone knows that a good cup of coffee increases energy levels, but did you know that it also improves your memory? The caffeine in coffee can be given credit for improving all sorts of mental functions. Your coffee dripper on Amazon is actually helping you be more productive at work!

6) Contains essential nutrients

People know that coffee contains caffeine, but did you know that it also contains a variety of nutrients that are really good for you? A cup of coffee made with your coffee dripper on Amazon is actually providing your body with magnesium, niacin, manganese, potassium, pantothenic acid and riboflavin, all of which are a part of a healthy body.

7) Makes you happier

Coffee lovers know the absolute joy that making a beautiful cup of coffee with a coffee dripper on Amazon can bring. The warmth, the flavor – a good cup of coffee can be a spiritual experience. Coffee actually stimulates the neurotransmitters in your brain to release dopamine and glutamate, which are “happy chemicals.”

The best way to get the most out of your daily cups of coffee is by using one of Kajava Mama’s coffee drippers on Amazon. It is the easiest way to brew the best cup of coffee you have ever made yourself. Your coffee won’t just be great for you, it will taste great, too.

Drinking more coffee is definitely my kind of New Year’s resolution, especially when it is made with a Kajava Mama coffee dripper on Amazon. Click here to learn more.

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