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How to Spot Quality Coffee Accessories and Filters on Amazon

When we are out shopping for coffee and coffee accessories, the filter doesn’t always make the top of our priority list. Yet, the coffee filter is the unsung hero! Having the right coffee filters improves the quality of each pour and prevents a hot mess. Amazon is home to hundreds of filters and navigating through the site can be exhausting. What should you be looking for in accessories and coffee filters on Amazon?

The Great Bleached VS Unbleached Debate

Coffee enthusiasts everywhere make use of filters every day, but not every coffee drinker relies on the same type of filter. A major distinction between filters is bleached or unbleached. Proponents of unbleached often swear by more natural methods for filtering coffee while those who have relied on bleached filters stand by their choice. Two main elements are used in bleaching filters: chlorine and oxygen. The common critique of bleached filters is their environmental impact, both in their production and disposal. Unbleached filters that bypass the manufacturing process, on the other hand, are becoming more popular coffee filters on Amazon.

coffee pour over

High Quality Natural Filters

When shopping for coffee filters on Amazon, keep an eye out for filters made from natural materials. These high grade papers go the extra mile to filter your coffee while not impacting the taste. For the environmentally conscious, natural filters for coffee pour over on Amazon are created through less environmentally harmful processes and are able to biodegrade after their job is done.

Convenient Shape

Have you ever fumbled around with a coffee filter or managed to spill a bunch of grounds when trying to take it out? No one likes fighting a stubborn filter. The best coffee filters on Amazon will come shaped for uniform extraction and ease of use. If a filter is not uniform, the hot water will not be distributed evenly during the brewing process. A well designed filter for coffee pour overs from Amazon will also make your life easier by being easy to insert, remove, and dispose. Cone-shaped filters have a great reputation for improving consistency and reducing spillage.

Bold Flavor

There is nothing as disappointing then waiting for your pour over coffee to be done only to discover the brew is weak. While you might get your caffeine fix faster, a filter that pours too quickly may result in less flavor. The best coffee filters and accessories on Amazon will have a track record of producing rich, high quality cups of java every time.

Check the Reviews

Who better to rate coffee accessories than by asking coffee lovers themselves? Amazon has a simplified rating system that lets you see the rating and feedback from customers before you make your purchase. When you are browsing through the lists of accessories and coffee filters on Amazon, always check for the product’s star rating and see what people have written in the written review section. Online reviews are a great way to identify any shortfalls in a product without having to find them out for yourself.

Click here to learn more and see great coffee filters and accessories from Kajava Mama.

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