Kajava mama’s blog

Is Coffee Safe for Kids?

Is coffee safe for kids to have? Why or why not?

For many of us, our day doesn’t really start until we’ve had our morning dose of the happy bean juice. Sometimes it can be tough to get excited for the day ahead of us until we’ve got a little energy in the tank. But what about your kids? Is coffee safe for them to enjoy the same way? What kind of things are in your coffee that might be good or bad for your kids?


Many daily coffee drinkers enjoy the boost that it gives them, and this mostly comes from caffeine. Considering the high caffeine content, is coffee safe for your kids? Kids don’t really need caffeine for their energy. It’s a stimulant and affects the nervous system. Consuming between a can of soda or a couple of cups of coffee per day doesn’t yield conclusive results that it is harmful to a child’s physiology or moods. However, consuming caffeine in the late afternoons or evenings may disrupt sleep and children need more solid sleep than an adult in order to grow and focus academically. Caffeine can also disrupt calcium absorption in bones, so it’s a good idea to keep younger children away from excess caffeine.

Is coffee safe

When considering if coffee is safe, it should also be noted that caffeine is an addictive substance that may cause withdrawal symptoms. Your best bet is to limit caffeine consumption in the first place to avoid any dependency problems.

Sugars, Creams & Syrups

These days, our daily coffee orders are rarely a plain black coffee. We add sugar and cream to sweeten up the flavor and most big-name coffee shops have flavor syrups like vanilla, cinnamon, piña colada, or whatever other flavor of the season is popular. When these are all added into our drinks, is coffee safe for kids?

While a vanilla mocha frappuccino might taste like sweet heaven, it’s not exactly a group of healthy additives to your coffee. Excess sugar consumption can increase the risks of diabetes, obesity and can also lead problems in cognitive development in younger children. Every parent already know that kids shouldn’t be allowed to have too much candy or soda, and that should translate to this type of coffee drink as well. At a certain point, you’re just consuming caffeinated candy, and that’s definitely not good for your children.


There are definitely a lot of parents out there asking “is coffee safe?”, you’re not alone. And researchers are conducting studies all the time to determine the full impact coffee can have on your kids.

Coffee has been found to reduce a person’s risk of heart disease, which is the national leading cause of death. While it may vary by your brand or bean of choice, coffee has also been shown to possess antioxidant compounds and some positive anti-inflammatory results. While this doesn’t mean you should let your kids drink coffee all day long, coffee consumption does have some likely health benefits. A cup on a special occasion for older children is okay, but exercise and vegetables should be the first line of defense against heart disease and inflammation.

So, at the end of the day, is coffee safe for kids? The short answer is “yes, but in moderation”. Maybe help your kids pick decaf or reduced caffeine coffee, and help them understand why adding flavor shots is unnecessary and ultimately unhealthy to add to every cup. Coffee is as safe in small amounts to drink as sodas but remember, there are other ways to enjoy the health benefits of coffee without drinking coffee, so in the end, it’s whatever you as a parent are comfortable with.

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