Kajava mama’s blog

The Truth About Getting the Most Caffeine from Your Coffee

For many of us, that morning cup of coffee is what kickstarts our day. It’s not just the coffee itself, of course, but the caffeine inside that gives us that literal burst of energy. For many, making sure they get a good dose of caffeine is key to enjoying their cup. So how does someone get the most caffeine from their coffee? We break down caffeine levels in different coffees and why brewing with a ceramic coffee maker may help you get the most caffeine.

The Myth of Roasts and Caffeine Levels

If you are like me, you spent a large portion of your coffee-drinking days believing that lighter roasts have higher levels of caffeine in them than darker roasts. The likely reasoning for it is you were told that caffeine actually breaks down at low temperatures, so the high heats of dark roasts actually burnt off some of the caffeine, leading to lower levels as the roast got darker. It turns out that caffeine is incredibly stable during coffee roasting and there are actually negligible differences in caffeine levels between light and dark roasts of the same beans. So, it turns out that roast may not be as big a factor, but bean type and brewing method, such as using a ceramic coffee maker, may impact caffeine levels more.

How to Get the Most Caffeine from Your Coffee

If you are looking to get the most caffeine from your coffee, the trick is to brew it right and to use the right bean. Many high-quality coffees these days will list the caffeine content either on the packaging or their website, so it helps to do some researching in picking your beans. For the brewing itself, try methods that use finer grinds as this maximizes the absorption of coffee by water during brewing. Using a ceramic coffee maker with a premium V02 filter is one of the better ways to do this, since it lets you steep fine grinds without risking grits getting into your cup.

Brew a Better Cup with a Ceramic Coffee Maker

If you are looking for the most caffeine out of every cup of coffee, and you want that coffee to taste its absolute best, then you will need a ceramic coffee maker from Kajava Mama. Our line of quality, beautiful coffee makers are crafted to help you get every last drop of precious caffeine and taste out of your beans. Using our special method of brewing, you can quickly pour yourself a delicious cup that you simply cannot get with other forms of brewing.

Brewing with a ceramic coffee maker from Kajava Mama is simple, too. All you need to do is grind your roast coffee, boil your water, and gently pour it over the grinds in our coffee maker. After a few minutes of steeping, you will have a fresh, robust coffee that’s low on acidity but high in taste and caffeine. It’s the perfect way to get a little boost of energy while enjoying a delicious brew. Be sure to check out the wide selection colors and patterns on our coffee makers and other products that will change how you make your morning cup. Click here to learn more.

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