Kajava mama’s blog

Too Much of a Good Thing? How Much Coffee Can You Have Daily?

Most of the people you meet will be fans of coffee. It is one of the biggest global exports and most popular cultural beverages around the globe. Each day, the world drinks 2.5 billion cups of coffee, and five hundred billion cups of coffee per year. Nothing really needs to be said about the reputation of coffee; we LOVE it.

We love it so much, we’ve come up with a long list of ways to brew it, prepare it, and drink it. Coffee or caffeine can be found in frothy drinks, a galaxy of espresso drinks, percolators, or prepared deliberately in a ceramic pour over dripper. We like it bold. We like it mild. And we like it so much that we drink it a lot.

That pleads the question: how much is too much coffee? For those who love the taste and can make it fairly easily (say in a self-brewing coffee pot), it can always just be available for a quick top-up. But is there such a thing as too much coffee? How much, and what could you do about it?

Too Much?

Despite its universal presence as a commonly-consumed drink, caffeine, as many people know, is a stimulant, technically making it a drug. That means that there is a limit to how much you can safely consume before it starts being a serious detriment to your health.

The Mayo Clinic and others agree that around four hundred milligrams of caffeine is safe for consumption daily, which means about four cups of coffee. An excess of caffeine over time can contribute to milder symptoms like headaches, anxiety, and trouble sleeping to more major ones like heart disease in rare cases.

These caveats can tend to be lost on many people since caffeine is so popular that no one often thinks twice about going to the pot for refills during a meeting, or keeping a pot handy when you’re doing chores. But it’s worth it to limit intake within a reasonable buffer.

What Can I Do About It?

A bit of discipline and habit change can easily help you cut back on your caffeine intake. The first step is to realize you’re drinking too much. From there, you can simply substitute another drink that contains no caffeine, like fruit juices, which will also give you a boost, but a more gradual one.

Of course, you don’t have to quit coffee out and out either. One of the best ways to cut down on your coffee is to change the method. Having a traditional percolator makes it all too easy to drink cup after cup of coffee without even savoring the taste. Consider switching to a ceramic pour over dripper. Because you’re controlling the brew, and because it takes a few minutes, it will prevent you from pressing a button when you want another cup of coffee.

In addition, a ceramic pour over dripper changes the taste. The coffee goes straight into the cup rather than gradually filling a pot you could leave around. You also totally control what ratio of water to grounds you want in every cup. Investing in a ceramic pour over dripper can help you enjoy your coffee that much more.

Ceramic Pour Over Dripper Online

A good way to limit your consumption and enjoy your coffee more is to switch to making your coffee by hand in a ceramic pour over dripper. For a great style of ceramic pour over dripper online, visit Kajava Mama. Click here to learn more.