Kajava mama’s blog

What is a Coffee Ritual and Should You Have One?

Coffee is everywhere in our society. It’s at work in our offices or lunchroom. There’s a coffee shop on every corner serving people on-the-go or breaking the ice on a first date. It’s even a big part of many peoples’ downtime.

Coffee as a modern day ritual

Many people have a kind of ritual around their coffee experiences. Some make it a start to their morning routine. They get up, wash their face, brew themselves a perfect cup of coffee just the way they like it (for example if they prefer to brew it with a non-electric coffee dripper) and then sit in the peace to enjoy some private “me time.” They don’t check their phones, they don’t start chores, or make a list of the next things they need to do. They just take that time to themselves. For many people, it can be just as important as meditation is for others. Some aren’t as into a morning routine as they are about their nearly-religious coffee breaks at work where they don’t allow work topics to disturb them until they are finished their break. And how often have you seen the joke mugs or signs that say a variation of “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee?”

non-electric coffee dripper

Why you need a coffee ritual

A coffee ritual can be more than just a simple routine. It can be a time for reflection on your place in the day and what you want from it. Some might use the time to calm themselves with some quiet or simplicity of the task. Brewing a cup directly from a non-electric coffee dripper, watching the perfect cup materialize in front of you as a direct result of you taking that time to simply do something for yourself… there can just be something incredibly refreshing about something so easy.

When you think of the term “ritual” you often conjure images of boring ceremonies that aren’t particularly interesting. But coffee itself is incredibly varied. If you get your favorite coffee from one of the big consumer brands, that’s okay. Maybe you get special local blends from the farmer’s market every weekend and brew it at home all week. Perfectly crafting your perfect cup can be incredibly personal; brewing your specific cup using your non-electric coffee dripper (or your other preferred tools), customizing the flavors and taste exactly as you like it. The versatility of coffee can make these moments interesting and satisfying.

Rituals can be a comforting presence in your daily life. They give you an opportunity to clear your mind and be actively present in the moment. Your worries can leave you for a few moments while you deliberately take some time specifically for this one short bit of downtime. Creating or taking this time in your schedule is difficult, but your ritual time can turn into a perfect moment that is just for you, where you get a moment of relaxation and reflection. Try taking a coffee break – a separate moment from the rest of your turbulent life for a few minutes where you can steady yourself and approach the rest of the day more calmly and happily. A non-electric coffee maker like a ceramic pour over dripper is the perfect way to start off this important ritual. Click here to learn more.

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