Kajava mama’s blog

Why This Age Old Traditional Method Beats High-Tech Coffee Makers

For most coffee lovers, the day starts off with the caffeination routine. There are so many different ways to brew coffee, but not every method produces the same results. With the volume of high-tech coffee makers on the market, many coffee enthusiasts opt for drip coffee methods. While this method may be convenient, it won’t get you the same quality cup of coffee that brewing in a ceramic dripper will.

Electronic Drip Coffee Machines: Convenient, but Bland

The standard household plug-in coffee maker is convenient and designed for busy bodies on the go. You can set your brew time and wake up to your coffee machine already working hard on your morning brew. The only thing you are responsible for is loading up the beans! Sounds great, but here’s the thing… drip coffee sacrifices flavor for convenience. While brewing in a manual ceramic dripper gives you total control of the process, basic automatic coffee machines give you no say on the temperature of the water, nor do you get input on the ratio of water used.

What Sets Ceramic Drippers Apart?

When brewing in a ceramic dripper, you are in complete control of every step of the process. This creates opportunities for you to try different methods, water temperatures, and ratios of water to bean until you find your ideal combination. For those who enjoy experimentation, a ceramic dripper can bring out your inner coffee scientist! Pour over methods produce some of the finest cups of coffee, boasting richer and bolder flavors with every cup.

Tips for Making the Best Cup

For coffee lovers brewing in a ceramic dripper, there are a few key things to keep in mind to make sure your brews truly bring your beans to life. For the best cup, you should always use freshly roasted beans. The fresher the beans, the richer the cup of coffee. Grinding your beans right before you get to work on making a brew will ensure your beans are as fresh as possible. When it comes to grinding, a course grind tends to lend itself better to pour over methods. That being said, there is always room for experimentation! With pour over methods, you are in full control of the process and that means your blend will be made exactly how you want it.

Getting Started with a Ceramic Dripper

Intimated by the pour over method? Don’t be! Brewing in a ceramic dripper is a fairly simple process that anyone can get the hang of. Simply place your ceramic coffee dripper on top of your cup with a filter inside. Then, grab your favorite grinded beans and scoop coffee grounds into the center of the filter cone. Slowly add boiling water until your cup is full. It’s as simple as that! It may take you a few tries to perfect the bean-to-water ratio, but making coffee with the pour over method is really quite simple. With practice and a little experimentation, you will be a pour over master in no time.

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