Kajava mama’s blog

How to Cook With Coffee And Coffee Grounds

Have you ever wondered what you could do with the leftover coffee and coffee grounds after you have enjoyed your morning cup of coffee? It seems like a real waste to just throw it out, doesn’t it? Especially after all the care and attention that went into making the perfect cup of coffee with your ceramic coffee dripper, and the finest grounds! It doesn’t seem right to wash them down the sink. You don’t have to.

The ceramic coffee dripper makes a delicious cup of coffee and a great cup of coffee is

a delicious ingredient in many recipes.  Coffee grounds contain all the benefits of a great cup of coffee. They retain some of the caffeine of coffee, but less of it since the beans have already been filtered. They do contain polyphenols, which are anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories; so, if you love your coffee, don’t be so quick to thrown out the grounds.

How to reuse coffee grounds

Coffee grounds, used or fresh, can be added to baking. They give a richness to chocolate that can counter the sweetness, and they flavor meat as a spice rub very nicely.

Even if you don’t want to eat the used grounds, there are a number of household purposes that they can be put toward.  If you make your own shampoos, soaps or body scrubs, the coffee grounds from the ceramic coffee dripper work great. Mix the coffee grounds with Epsom salt and some coconut oil, and a little peppermint or vanilla essential oil for a beautiful scented body scrub that will help exfoliate and tighten your skin. It makes the tub slippery though, so be careful!

It is also possible to repurpose used coffee grounds from the ceramic coffee dripper for many everyday homemade items. Did you know they are great to clean with? Coffee grounds  from the ceramic coffee dripper are great in your compost. They add nutrients to the soil. In fact, earthworms love coffee, but not everything does. Snails, slugs and other garden pests tend not to be attracted to the coffee grounds in the soil. Used coffee grounds can also help to deodorize the garbage, scrub pots and pans, and even be used to melt the ice on your sidewalk.

Cooking with Coffee

You don’t have to pour out coffee that hasn’t been drunk. Is there even such a thing as that? Probably not, if you make just what you need with a ceramic coffee dripper. But if you do have leftover coffee don’t throw it out. Consider using cold, fresh coffee in place of water or broth in your cooking. It’s amazing how delicious it will be. You don’t have to save leftovers if you want to drink all the coffee in your pot. You can brew more. It’s easy to make a great coffee fast with the ceramic coffee dripper. Any coffee goes great with cream or with chocolate, with spices, and nuts and fruits.

Before you decide to throw away those leftovers from the ceramic coffee dripper, remember just how versatile they are. Click here to learn more.